About Me.jpg


I was first drawn to photography while working as a journalist during college. But it wasn't until the advent of digital photography and smartphone cameras that my interest in photography really took off. I loved being able to compose an image on the screen and see the results of my shot immediately. Years ago, after joining Instagram, I started to edit my photography with ever greater intensity — until the original images themselves were barely recognizable. I love to take imagery from many places and combine them into someplace imaginary or even surreal. They are often places that clearly do not exist, but seemingly could if the world were a bit of a stranger place. Lately, I’ve been experimenting more and more with 3D computer imagery, creating whole new virtual sets for me to move my camera around in. My goal is to always tell some sort of story with each image. While there is a darkness to much of my work, I strive to keep the mood vague enough that the viewer can place his/her own interpretation on it, positive or negative, hopeful or hopeless.